Welcome to Top100VideoGames.webnode.com!    

This site is a fansite focused on ranking the top 100 video games on a per system basis, based on personal opinion.   We utiilize screenshots, and the free web hosting of webnode.com.  We encourage discussion, and to promote your opinion of if a game is better than my ranking.

Rather than simply list on a 1-100 scale, I will be re-playing many of these old classics, and saying whether they are better or worse than what I have already played.  For example, I have played Super Mario Bros and MegaMan.  MegaMan is, in my opinion, worse than Super Mario Bros.  I will post MegaMan's screenshot after Mario, indicating it is worse.  As such, it is very possible you may see a game fall off the Top 100 list (once we get to 100 games anyway).